Monday, November 1, 2010

Local Search Tip

Did you know 30% of all online searches contain a state, city, or zip code? This means it would be very wise as a business owner to work on your local optimization. The good news is we can get you there and it's a lot easier and a lot less expensive to be locally optimized than it is to target the entire nation or globe.

See about out Google Map Optimization service.

Also, as a consumer we would like to share a search tip with you.

You may want to consider formating your local searches like this:

"Products and or Services near 89014" ... or whatever it is you are looking for, in the zip code area you want to find it in. Just put the word "near" in between your search term and zip code. 

This kind of search often lists your choices in order from closest to farthest which can be very helpful. 

Hope this helps. :)

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